2009年12月19日 星期六

the true pleasure

Talking about Epicureanism, many misunderstand the Epicurean followers advocate to pursue the earthly or carnal pleasure, such as : delicacies, alcohol or jewlry. Being distinct from the gluttons and playboys who driven by their sensory desire, the Epicurean believe that pleasure should be drawn from a simple life and calm mind.

Epicurus, also a Greek philosopher,taught a life principle of the hermit's way.

Epicurus advocates living in the way of the hermits. The epicurean followers are careless to the material enjoyment, but take importance on pursueing sipiritual calmness. Their theory is unique. According to the Epicurean definition of good and bad, the good things comes from pleasure and the bad things from the pain. Also, the pleasure for them is the absance of pain.

This theory appear weird because we commonly beieved that pleasure does not equal lack of pain; furthermore; establishing on greater enjoyment or value.

However, the Epicurus do not risk to achieve the worldly affair that for them possibly ruin the true pleasure, the stable and quiet life foor meditaing.

