2009年12月14日 星期一

Eternal return

I 've found the definition of eternal return in wikipedia very precise.

resourses from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_return

Eternal return (also known as "eternal recurrence") is a concept which posits that the universe has been recurring, and will continue to recur in a self-similar form an infinite number of times. The concept initially inherent in Indian philosophy was later found in ancient Egypt, and was subsequently taken up by the Pythagoreans and Stoics. With the decline of antiquity and the spread of Christianity, the concept fell into disuse, though Friedrich Nietzsche resurrected it on the grounds that it provides a reason for affirming life after the decline of theism.

I learned about this concept from one of my favorite books
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

Before the story strats, the author, Milan Kundera, explains one important subject in this book, the heaviness and lightness.
He takes Jesus Christ's cruxification ,
the most sorrowful moment of theistic history, as the example, experiement its happening in the form of Eternal Return.
Through the simulating endless suffering of Christ, he demonstrate the extreme of the unbearable agony, the heaviness of life.
Oppositely, in human life everything happens only once and can never be corrected.
The lightness of life thus comparatively comes into view.

The existence of eternal return seems to me a reminder emphasizes on taking every step carefully, since everything done will forever runs in the cycle.
Once you hurt sb’s feeling, he might get recover after a period of time.
However, the heartbroken “him” will be eternally inhabit ting in the happening time and space and be dropping tears.
The idea of eternal return is a chain that never releases any being.

