2009年10月15日 星期四

Why Philosophy???

: ))))))))))))

Hello,dear classmates and passers-by,

thanks for stepping into this blog,

You're sincerely welcome,

and I hope my plain tongue won't bore you to death.

Writng in a blog in English is not really so fresh for me,

I do it randomly when keeping journal,

but when it comes to become homework to grade,

I do spend time on worrying what to talk about.

Usually the blogrunners focus on the particular areas they're interested or master in;

however; as a art and literature lover of conspicious tendency ,

I think I'd better stop repeating the do again and again theme.

Moving to Taichung and starting a new life in a new college is a fantastic thing,

besides meeting new people, I also find myself spending more time with myself (being alone I mean),

then by myself my brain just dosen't rest and runs on things I ommit before stop talking.

So on and on, sometimes the world and my life seems dim and glommy,

and before becoming a pious follower of religions local and foreign I look for salvation in the books.

I find Philosophy interesting and helpful to alter your life from mere chit-chat and making a living.

reading along with the the philosophers' thinking course enable people to
learn their way of questioning common things, which seems to be fixed in a popular value, but may actually be wrong and unreasonable,thus Philosophy can independent your judgement standard.

Not bound by the secular rules and not blind to the real surrounding, the world appaers boarder than it was before philosophy.

I intend to share some of my reflection on reading the various philosophy related subjects or life story of philosophers with you in the following weeks.

One thing I would like it to be aware is that I am of no kind of philosophy experts, students of or philosophy department, or even old hands of reading philosophy;

therefore; these articles posted here are only my humble opinion echoing the concentration and passion seen in the philosopher's pieces, and also the invitation for you to join the journey ahead to the spirit of philosophy.

1 則留言:

  1. Well, philosophoy has always been a thing I'm afraid to touch for it's deep and wide.
    Looking forward to see your articles.
